Monday, December 8, 2014

That Doesn't Look Light!

This, my friends, is a yoke. It is a heavy piece of wood in which two animals are placed so that they can work together to get a job done. It looks cumbersome to me so when I read in the Bible where Jesus tells us to take His yoke upon me I flinch a little. The thought of sticking my head in that contraption and pulling a heavy load does not seem like something that I want to get myself into. But in that same passage Jesus proclaims that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. 

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30 KJV)

How could a yoke be easy?  How could a burden be light?  It doesn't make any logical sense!  But rest for my soul is something that I desperately need. I am the type of person that always carries a heavy load. I try to put everything at Jesus' feet but always find myself picking it back up and trying to take care of it myself. I hate that about me. I toss and turn and fret all night if I am carrying a weight or a burden. Rest for my soul is something that I desperately desire! So many times I try to take on a heavy load all by myself. 
Recently, my husband and I were setting up for our church's Thanksgiving dinner. The help that he had been expecting to come assist with the tables could not come so he called over and asked me to come to the gym to help. I obliged and went over to help him. Now understand that my husband is a big guy 6'4" to be exact and very strong. Understanding that he could easily carry and set up these tables by himself, I wasn't putting much effort or muscle into the job. I think he just wanted the company. One time during the set up I had to sneeze and I took my hands off of my end of the table. The table didn't fall and crash to the ground as expected because I really wasn't bearing any of its weight. I was kind of walking beside it with my hands on it. My husband just shook his head and set up the table by himself and I smiled innocently. 

I realized in that moment though exactly what it means to yoke up with someone who is much stronger than you are. It makes everything so much easier. The job gets done and you are present, but the burden truly is lighter. 

And that is how it is if we will take on the yoke of Jesus. There will still be a burden to carry. There will still be jobs that have to get done. But we won't be the ones doing the heavy lifting. We will just be present as we see our Savior plowing through the problems and burdens of this life. We will be able to fellowship with him in that yoke and even have rest for our souls!  

Suddenly, that yoke is looking welcoming!  Hook me up!!!

~ Rachel

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