Friday, November 1, 2013

I Only Shave My Legs Up To My Knees!

TMI????  I know, right?  But I have learned in my few short weeks of blogging that if your title doesn't get people's attention, they won't read what you have to say.  Well, it worked didn't it?  You are still reading!

It is true though.  Almost every time that I shave my legs I only go to the top of my knee.  Why, you ask?  Because I don't need to go any farther.  All of my clothes come down to my knee, so why put out any unnecessary energy to do more?  I know, I am weird like that, but as I examine a lot of areas in my life, I find this same pattern of only doing what is absolutely necessary.  For instance, last Sunday I wore open toed shoes to church.  As I slipped them on I realized that I needed to paint my toenails.  Only 2 1/2 of my nails showed through the peep toe so those are the toes I painted.  I have been walking around all week with 2 1/2 painted toenails on each foot.  It goes on.  I always only set the table with the utensils that we will need for that particular meal.  If we don't have use for a spoon, it doesn't go on the table.  Only what is necessary, that is my motto!  I got new windows earlier in the year and all of the sills need painted.  Did that get done?  Of course not, the curtains hide them anyways.  No one can see them so why paint them, right?  You see my pattern?  Only what is absolutely necessary!

While this habit of only doing what is required might not adversely effect anyone in my day to day life (except my poor husband with my pokey legs) I have to be very careful that it doesn't spill over into my spiritual life.  As a pastor's wife and a ministry leader in our church, I find quite a few people that are only willing to do what is absolutely necessary for the Lord.  I see people only doing what is "required" of them and never serving the Lord with their whole heart.  These are the kind of people who question every standard and walk as close to the line of worldliness as they possibly can.  If you can't give them a chapter and verse for a standard or guideline, they completely dismiss the idea.  They feel they don't need to study scriptures to find God's thoughts on a subject or allow the Holy Spirit room to convict them about anything.  Only what is required.  Only what is absolutely necessary.  That is their motto.

This kind of Christianity is permeating our society.  No wonder the generations coming up seem to know nothing about their creator and Savior.  When we only do what is necessary in our Christian walk many people will suffer.  We are commanded to be light and salt to this world.  The "only do what in necessary" philosophy makes you focus on yourself and not on the needs of others.  How will this standard effect me?  Attending church will take up all of my free time!  Giving offerings to the church will hurt me financially.  When we begin to focus on ourselves we forget about the purpose that God has put on each of our lives.  We are supposed to be ministering.  Being light and salt definitely requires us to do more than what is required and absolutely necessary.  We have to have a close walk with the Lord so that He can use us effectively.  We have to die to self.  That definitely meets the requirements of going above what is absolutely necessary, but that is what Christ has asked each believer to do.

Galations_2:20   I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

The Lord has done much more for me than what was absolutely necessary.  The least I can do for him is to serve Him with my whole heart!

With all my heart,   :)


  1. This is so true in most aspects of life! We as Americans have become a lazy race. We only do what is necessary to get the job done. I for one do have a tendency, in my spiritual life, not to give it my all but just to do what is necessary so I can day I did it. Them I feel guilty and vow to do better next time. I am improving and praise the Lord that he is patient with me. I need to prepare myself more so I can be more ready to face the situations that I am confronted with. Thanks Rachel for the insight you have provided that makes me think of how I need to make things more necessary in my Christian life!! :D

  2. Thank you for making me aware that I need to do more to be a shining light in this dark world!
