Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Why is My House Filled with Girls?!?!?!

These are my lovely daughters.  They mean the world to me, but I have to tell you honestly that I never wanted girls.  You see, I was the only girl in my family.  I have all brothers.  I understand boys.  I am familiar with boys.  I get how they work, but girls are a mystery to me.  I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking that statement makes no sense because I am a female.  Yes, I am a female, but I have never considered myself a GIRL.  At least I have never felt that I was very similar to all the GIRLS around me.

I was raised by a single father from the time that I was young, so my house was literally filled with all boys.  I played boys games.  I watched boys shows.  I can remember many evenings in our house watching WWF wrestling and acting out the matches with my brothers afterwards.  Amazingly, I never really turned into a tom boy.  I still had baby dolls and Barbie dolls and stuffed animals, but I could transition from them right into transformers with out any problem.  I was never a girlie girl though.  I never matched (thanks to my color blind dad).  I didn't even own a brush until 6th grade.  My dad was bald and my brothers had crew cuts.  My dad owned one little black comb, the kind that men carry in their pocket that I would use once in a while.  I can remember changing from a Christian school to a public school in 6th grade and realizing that I didn't look anything like those girls.  They looked cute and stylish.  Their hair looked smooth and neat.  Mine looked like a rat's nest.  Luckily, I have always been one who could adapt easily, so I asked for a hairbrush and hair products for Christmas.  I learned how to match clothes and didn't get made fun of for too long. 

All of my life I feel that I have been playing catch up with the other girls.  I just recently subscribed to some YouTube videos demonstrating how to wear eye makeup.  I know, 35 is a little old to be learning things like that, but I working on it.  I feel like I am almost caught up with all of the other girls in appearance and femininity, but there is still one area that I am lacking and desperately working on.  That area is how to relate to women.

This is something that I have always struggled with.  I literally feel like running in the opposite direction when I see a group of women talking.  I get butterflies in my stomach and I feel very uncomfortable.  I am terrible at small talk.  My dad is a direct person.  There was not a lot of chit chat in our home.  I am just not used to it.  I take after my father in many ways.  I got his calm even temper.  There are not a lot of things that get us worked up.  We are pretty even keeled.  I have always been that way, so when I get around women that are emotional and high strung and talk a lot, I just don't know what to do.  I don't understand them.  I don't relate to them.  This is a problem!

This is a problem because it is my job to help them.  I am a Pastor's wife.  I am in charge of the ladies' ministry of our church.  God has called me to this job.  I have often wondered if He really knew what He was doing when he decided to place me in this position. (Joking) And I really wondered if He knew what he was doing when I delivered each of my 3 girls. (My husband calls them strike 1,2, and 3.)  Really Lord?  Three girls?  And these are not 3 low, key unemotional girls.  He gave me 3 emotional, prissy girlie girls.  But the Lord didn't stop with that practical joke.  One of my best friends passed away from cancer a few years ago and left behind three daughters.  The girls' father works in Pittsburgh, so they come to my house almost every day after school.  They stay with us and eat with us and play with my girls.  That gives me 6 girls!  My poor husband!  Even the dog is a girl.

Is this a cruel joke on me from God?  On some days it seems like it, but when I stop to see the bigger picture I realize that it is really a help.  I didn't interact with a lot of women growing up.  I didn't have many girl friends.  It was not my fault and there was nothing that I could do about it.  But God has a plan for me.  He has a ministry that he wants me to thrive in and it is a ministry to women.  I realize that through all of the girls in this house he is allowing me to once again play catch up.  He gave me girls to soften me and tenderize my heart.  He gave me emotional girls to help me see that there are all kinds of women with all kinds of personalities that are worth my time and my efforts.  He gave me hurting girls so that I could learn compassion.  You see God gave me all of these girls - to help me.  Because he loves me.  Because he wants to be able to use me.

And once again I come to the realization that God has always had a plan for me. 
Romans 8:28   And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Blessed beyond measure,


  1. God knows exactly what we need to do His work and equips us through His Word, Prayer and what He teaches us in everyday life. It's great watching Him work through you!

  2. Yeah, but as a teenager I thought you were really girly...and I wasn't. I have an element of girliness, but I have a lot of tomboy in me...LOL But your girls are precious though. same with the Vaughan girls. I miss Mrs. Vaughan a lot, but I know I will see her again one day. I am so thankful for the time I got to spend with her.

    1. I was what they call a late bloomer. Having daughters will bring the girlie girl out of anyone. I miss Susan too. I think of her almost everyday.

  3. i would never know you pull it off so flawless. and i know all those girls feel so blessed to have you in their life. I know i feel so blessed to have you in mine

    1. Thanks Beth. I am so glad that you and Bobby are at our church. And it has been great having you in Sunday School!

  4. I understand where you are coming from, I too do not feel comfortable in a group of ladies because I do not know what to say, I am more comfortable one on one. I never knew how to take you and thought that I was someone you didn't care to get to know but I was never so wrong! I never would have dreamed that you were just as nervous and unsure as I was. I have some to realize that you are very special and blessed by God. I so enjoy when you lead the ladies on Wednesday nites and when we use to have ladies fellowship nites, Your messages that you bring to us are so interesting and easy to apply to my everyday life. Thank you Rachel for being the caring person you are. God has a way of using others to teach us the important things in life! Never judge a book by it's cover!!

    1. I have gotten that reaction many times in my life! I'm working on it. Believe me! God will bring me there one of these days. I am sure of it. I would love to know who you are. It posted your comment as anonymous.

  5. I've always felt the same way about you thinking you just didn't really care for me...I'm the same way as you though I relate much better to guys, God blesssed me with a girl and thankfully she is just like me, would rather play sports and throw jeans and a tshirt on and throw our hair in a pony tail...lol..Thankfully my husband couldn't stand girly girls or I woukd of missed out on an amazing man....God puts us in many situations and He has shown you what you need to work on and you are willing to change..

  6. I still feel that I am not well cared for. But I know I will get over it. I am at church for the LORD, not to be liked by anyone. The LORD leads me where I need to be. My advise, just dig in and put your two cents in. You can be wrong either way, so why not be involved and be wrong then standing on the side lines and be wrong. *cute, right?*
    I know you are not wrong, but that is how you feel. You are not sure of your place in the conversation. So jump in, say your peace. Because, your insecurity makes you feel like you are not worthy of the conversation, which you are wrong. And when you speak, you will feel you were wrong in your words, which you are wrong. Therefore, you feel you are wrong either way. SO just jump in there and get r done.

  7. It's not really fear of being wrong that hinders me. It is just not knowing what to say at all. That weird awkward silence :) I am not trying to turn myself into a chatter box. I am really trying to connect and establish relationships with people. That takes time. Hand in there with me. There are a lot of ladies in our church. Even if I were a chatterbox it would be hard to connect with every single one of them in a week. If you really want that connection with me try coming to my Sunday school class. We meet in my living room at 9:30. We take the time to sit and get to know each other before I start teaching. I definitely feel more connected to the ladies that attend because we are able to spend more time together. We share prayer requests and I hear their needs and can be more of a help to them.
